eCloud WANO Acceleration Solution

Solutions for accelerated access to the global internet.

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Having multiple remote users using SaaS services requires a more easier and fast deployment solution for reliable connectivity among global websites, data centers, public cloud feature applications, and other internet services. China Telecom Americas provides eCloud-WANO Acceleration Solutions so enterprises can obtain seamless connectivity between China SaaS and Global SaaS solutions.

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Dedicated Intranet Network

Enterprise can build up to the similar performance as MPLS.

Access To Global Applications

Use Microsoft 365, Google, AWS, and other applications without blocked or slow pages.

More Secure Connections To Home Offices

Reach remote home offices to perform online transactions with greater ease.

Congestion Control Technology

Improving traffic flow for users in your company who are using the same bandwidth for faster speeds.

Designed For Multiple Locations And Branches

Optimize the connectivity for the entire enterprise no matter where they are located.

CTA WeCare Management Services

Our team is always available to keep your services up and running optimally.


Features of eCloud Wano Acceleration Solution

WAN Optimization

Obtain reliability with your internet connection to boost business productivity.

Designed For Remote Users

Remote users have unrestricted access to China applications or global SaaS options.

Convenient And Fast Switch Globally And Within China

Access the specific SaaS services based on your company’s needs.

Dedicated Internet Connections Globally And Within China

Connect quickly and reliably to SaaS options for all your branch and home locations.

WeCare Management Services

Trusted 24/7 management support for all of your services from China Telecom.

Free POC Service

Free Proof of Concept eCloud-WANO production environment test service.

Only Pay For Users Who Need Access

Only charged for the users who need to access this service for additional cost savings and easy enrollment.

Remote User Only Option

Customized services for only your remote users based on their locations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is WANO?

WANO stands for “Wide Area Network Optimization.” It is an eCloud platform-based service offered by CTA to optimize global Internet application access.

How is the eCloud-WANO solution performance?

eCloud-WANO is based on dedicated intranet CT IP network backbone providing premium quality of service.

What optimizations are offered by WANO?

WANO offers video, WAN, and application optimizations to make your connections faster and more productive.

What does eCloud-WANO offer to China users?

eCloud-WANO helps China users visit global SaaS such as O365, G-suite, Google, Salesforce, AWS, Azure.

What does eCloud-WANO offer to global users?

eCloud-WANO allows for global offices and branches to connect to China SaaS without dealing with blocked websites or slow connections due to congested Internet traffic.

Does eCloud-WANO have high costs?

CTA offers competitive pricing and cost savings by offering different eCloud-WANO solutions more tailored to your specific operations and as you pay based on the number of remote users using the service.

Ready to get started?

Get in contact with a China Telecom Americas product and solutions specialist today.

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Illustration: Media pro analyzing network data. China Telecom Americas' connectivity for broadcasting and media delivery.